Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre Seminar Series
Life Review Project – Integrating Experiential Learning into the Curriculum
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: Run Run Shaw Building Room 321, The University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Dr. Angela Leung (Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, HKU)
Life Review, a thought-provoking project in Gerontological Nursing Course, challenges students with the occasions meeting and chatting with senior citizens and identifying the important life events. These life events can be influential to their ego, their health behavior and perception about their relationships with friends and relatives. With the agreement from older adults, nursing students captured all the valuable memories and wrote up commemorative booklets. These booklets serve as gifts to the beloved relatives or comprehensive records of all achievements in lives. In this seminar, the speaker will focus on how to guide a project-based learning and integrate it into a curriculum. Discussion will emphasize the role of teachers, collaborators and students in experiential learning.
About the Speakers
Dr. Angela Leung is Assistant Professor of the School of Nursing at The University of Hong Kong. She is also a CADENZA fellow, Investigator of the Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Research Fellow of the Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Council member of Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Council member of Community Rehabilitation Network, and Fellow of College of Gerontology Nursing, Hong Kong Academy of Nursing.
Dr. Leung is an experienced health and nursing educator, active researcher in educational gerontology with a wide range of publications in diabetes and dementia. She advocates out-of-classroom learning experience for medical and nursing students. Her recently funded projects include e-health literacy programme for university students, Life Review projects in gerontological nursing, Generations as Partners in Education: A service learning programme in Gerontology (GAPIE), and Inter-professional online learning in dementia (IPOLD).