MAKE A READING CITY! Organizing Neighbourhood Carnivals For Book Reading and Recycling
Tai Po and Various Districts, Hong Kong
To organize “Bring A Book & Share” in shopping malls and neighborhood venues to encourage donation of books for re-sale at charity prices. Old books are therefore passed on and resources are shared in an environmentally friendly way. Book talks and other activities are also staged to promote reading culture. It nurtures future book lovers, of any ages, by offering people free and accessible venues to enjoy reading books. It also makes books a lot more accessible to the underprivileged communities.
Students will learn how to run and enhance the programme for promoting the reading culture of our city.
- Further develop the current programme by organizing mini readers’ carnivals in different districts.
- Identify the right neighborhood.
- Collect used books, price and categorize them.
- Liaise with the venue owners.
- Set up venues to let book lovers come to read and/or buy the recycling books.
- Host storytelling sessions and reading workshops for children.
- Oversee the whole project, including event and logistic management, advertising and public relations.
- Conduct certain studies through this process.

Project code: GH04-001