Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre Seminar Series
Designing and Implementing Experiential Learning Course – Mingde Project
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: Run Run Shaw Building Room 321, The University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Professor L. G. Tham (Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, HKU)
Basic principles of experiential learning will be reviewed and perspectives on experiential learning experiences from faculty, students, and community partners will be provided. Speaker will also share his experience in setting up experiential learning courses and the specific challenges and rewards of experiential learning.
About the Speaker
Professor George Tham is the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. He is also a member of the Senate, Academic Board, Curriculum Development Committee, Steering Committee on 4-Year Undergraduate Curriculum. His interests cover foundation engineering, rock engineering, slope engineering and engineering education. His outstanding achievement in teaching has been recognized in the field and he has been awarded the University Distinguished Teaching Award (Team Award) for the Mingde Projects.
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